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As a Belly Dance instructor since 2007, I became interested in Bollywood about

five years later after getting hooked on Bollywood music & films.

I was especially attracted to the dance's color, joy, style, & high energy.

One of my students recently asked me what "Bollywood" meant. Bollywood is the name of the Hindi film industry that also applies to the style of music & dance in these films. The term is derived from a combination of the name of its birthplace "Bombay," (present-day Mumbai) & "Hollywood," both capitals of film industries.

Bollywood is a dance form created by incorporating several styles such as classical Indian, Belly Dance, jazz, hip-hop, & most of all, Bhangra. Bhangra (pronounced Bungra) is a lively form of music & dance that originated in the Punjabi region of Northern India.

Bhangra and Bollywood dance not only provide fun & energetic workouts but are great mood enhancers!

I've taken classes & workshops throughout Spain with Bollywood instructors Khayma Theodorakis, Astra, & Irene Aivar. I've also choreographed a Bollywood flash mob dance for a law firm in Montreal.

I've taught at several local schools & dance studios such as the Omni Center (Pincourt), Karmel Pilates (DDO), & at the West Island Women's Center (Pointe-Claire).

As an instructor of Oriental Flamenco (Flamenco & Belly Dance fusion), I was particularly attracted to Bollywood for its similarities to Flamenco such as hand gestures & footwork. Flamenco's origins lie within the Romani tribes that migrated from Punjab into Spain during the 15th century: This topic is greatly explored in one of my books, "Vibrant Andalusia." In my classes, we practice dance combos to the vibrant energy of Bollywood & Bhangra music & as we progress, they become fun & exciting choreographies!

Past Workshops: